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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de

What is considered a disability or chronic illness?

  1.  Mobility and movement impairment
  2. Visual impairment
  3. Partial performance disorders
  4. Hearing impairment
  5. Chronic somatic illnesses
  6.  Speech/voice impairment
  7.  Mental health conditions
  8.  Dyslexia/dyscalculia
  9.  Other impairments

This shows that only about one third of the impairments of students are directly perceivable by third parties; almost two thirds of disabilities go unnoticed if the affected students do not point them out themselves.

This diversity of students with disabilities means that degree programs and teachers, universities and student services face a variety of impairment-related demands, with physical obstacles being only one issue among many, because communicative, organizational and structural obstacles also have a significant negative impact on studying.

Students with health impairments are facing difficulties, for example, in gaining admission, during their studies, in financing their studies and also in everyday life. The degree program and examination regulations for the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at the University of Siegen govern the compensation for disadvantages over the course of the degree program and examinations for students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses due to their specific situation. There are also other types of special assistance for different groups of affected students. There is often a considerable information deficit, however, as many students do not know that they are entitled to compensation for disadvantages or other types of assistance or how to make a claim. Others do not like to come forward as disabled, as a person with special needs, as ‘handicapped’. As a consequence of misinformation they prefer to waive their rights – often to their own disadvantage.

You can get advice and support from the Officer for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses at the University of Siegen and from the competent persons in the departments. Students and prospective students whose ability to study is restricted due to health issues or disabilities should contact the Officer for Disability Issues first.

The strict rule in this context is that personal information will always be treated with absolute confidentiality!

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de