Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105
Tel.:  +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.: +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail: behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de
Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi
Raum: AR-SSC 0.19
Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)
Raum: AR-SSC 0.18
Tel.:  +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at]
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2 57076 Siegen
Service Office Inclusive University of Siegen
Persons with disabilities shall have discrimination-free and equal access to general higher education and life-long learning as well as equal opportunities in the workplace. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities binds its states parties accordingly. In this context, the term “inclusion” is defined in such a way that it is not the persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses who need to adapt, but that the environment reduces obstacles to enable their equal and self-determined participation and involvement in social life.
The University of Siegen also regards it as an important task to reduce disadvantages for persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses, because within the framework of the higher education contract 2015-2016 with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, the University of Siegen has committed itself in Section 11 to make special efforts in the interest of students and employees with disabilities, through appropriate measures, in order to enable them to study and participate in life at the university on an equal footing, despite health restrictions. Important keywords in this context are: accessibility, equal opportunity and absence of discrimination.
In order to realize an accessible design of structures, procedures and offerings, the Service Office Inclusive University of Siegen has been established at the University of Siegen under the responsibility of the Prorector for Education and Diversity .
6. Tag der Inklusion unter dem Thema "Psychische Erkrankungen"
(21.11.2024) Am 5. Dezember veranstaltet das Servicebüro Inklusive Universität Siegen in Anlehnung an den Internationalen Tag der Menschen mit Behinderung, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Gedenktag ausgerufen wurde, zum 6. Mal den Tag der Inklusion.
Mitschnitte 5. Tag der Inklusion
(09.11.2023) Am 7. Dezember 2023 veranstaltete das Servicebüro Inklusive Universität Siegen in Anlehnung an den Internationalen Tag der Menschen mit Behinderung, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Gedenktag ausgerufen wurde, nun bereits zum 5. Mal einen Tag der Inklusion.