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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de

Special assistance for support at the university

Support for persons with severe disabilities

In order to avoid having to cover longer distances, students with significantly impaired mobility can be assigned a parking space for persons with severe disabilities on the university's premises. The application can be submitted to the Officer for Disability Issues.

Students with severe disabilities can apply for a refund of the semester ticket fee. This application must be submitted to the social department of the General Students’ Committee.

Support for persons with severe disabilities at the canteen

New service for persons with severe disabilities: After consultation with the working group Accessible University of Siegen, the student services now offer assistance for blind/partially blind persons and wheelchair users when dining at the canteen.

Interested persons can call the number 0271 / 740-3129 to get assistance when dining at the canteen. An employee will then await you in the lobby of the canteen, accompany you inside, explain the menu on offer and will assist with picking up the meal and returning the dishes.

Additional support for blind and partially blind persons at the University of Siegen

A reading device with DIN A 3 scanner, voice output and Braille printer for blind and visually impaired persons is available to all users who need it at the workstation for blind persons in room AR-D 4004 of the university library. Instruction by the library staff is required.

Since winter semester 2013, the University of Siegen has been offering additional assistance for blind and visually impaired students. Books and texts can be scanned if required so that they can be read aloud with a voice program. Scanning the texts is sometimes quite difficult, however, in particular if copies are not of the best quality. Copies in particular are often of rather poor quality, and especially books with a large number of pages are often difficult to read with a scanner.

For this reason, books, lecture notes and seminar texts will be prepared by a student assistant in such a way that they can be used with a reading device without any problems. With this service, the University of Siegen provides important assistance to blind and visually impaired students.

To benefit from this assistance, please contact the Officer for Students with Disabilities at the University of Siegen.

Additional information for students with impaired hearing or vision

Blind/partially blind students and those with impaired hearing or vision are advised to contact the lecturers of their courses in good time and ask for lecture notes, minutes or other documents relating to the lectures or seminars.

Accessibility of buildings

The university strives to make all its buildings extensively accessible. There is still a considerable need for action, however, especially with regard to the older buildings and during the construction work on the AR campus. Students with impaired vision and/or mobility should familiarize themselves with the routes and the spatial environment early on and notify the Officer for Disability Issues of any problems so that these can be remedied.

Assistance for students with dyslexia

Students with dyslexia can apply to the Officer for Disability Issues, e.g. for assistance with proofreading their final thesis.

Assistance for students with mental health conditions

Mental health counseling is available to students with mental health conditions at the University of Siegen.

Housing and study grants

The residences offered by the student services feature a number of rooms specially equipped for wheelchair users. Early reservation is absolutely necessary.

Study grants can be extended in justified exceptional cases. Students with health impairments are advised to discuss an extension of their study grant with the responsible administrator in good time.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de