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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de

Information about compensation for disadvantages

More information by clicking the title.

1) Legal basis mehr...

The degree program and examination regulations for the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at the University of Siegen govern the compensation for disadvantages over the course of the degree program and examinations for various groups of affected students due to their specific situation. This is intended to ensure the equality of all students and, in addition to ensuring actual equality in the everyday routine at the university, is also intended to prevent the groups of affected students from having to extend the time to complete their degree program. Various different measures to compensate for disadvantages are provided for the group of students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses.

2) Groups of persons and required documents mehr...

Students who want to apply for compensation for disadvantages in examinations must submit an according application (“Antrag auf Nachteilsausgleich”, NA) to the competent examinations office, including the appropriate documentation. This includes, most importantly, a pertinent (specialist) medical certificate, the disability card if applicable, as well as a statement from the Officer for Students with Disabilities.

3) Type and scope of compensation mehr...

Compensation for disadvantages can only be applied for, substantiated and granted on an individual case basis. This means that the person concerned documents physical and health-related restrictions and applies to the examination office for compensation for disadvantages. In consultation with the representative body for persons with severe disabilities, the affected person applies to the competent examination office for an appropriate modification of the examination requirements. The change of examination requirements specifically takes into account the individual restrictions of the applicant, i.e. measures to compensate for disadvantages must be clearly designed to address the restrictions of the applicant. Compensation for disadvantages can therefore only be granted on an individual case basis and in relation to specific health issues. Possible forms of compensation for disadvantages could be, for example:

  • Additional time for written examinations
  • Switching from written to oral examinations (or vice versa)
  • Interrupting examinations for rest breaks
  • Splitting of examinations into partial performances
  • Separate room to work in with equipment as needed
  • Use of special resources 

In any case, the nature and extent of the compensation for disadvantages should also be discussed with the attending physician, who should provide according specifications in a certificate. 

The application for compensation for disadvantages must be submitted to the examinations office in good time; therefore it is best to prepare it in the first weeks of the semester and coordinate it with the Officer for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses.

The compensation for disadvantages is not about making written examinations, seminar papers or oral examinations easier, but about the targeted reduction of disadvantages. Since a general and binding regulation of examination modalities for persons with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses is hardly possible, the compensation for disadvantages can only be a targeted compensatory measure which will be decided on in individual cases. Affected students should therefore also always contact the respective examiners in good time, discuss the existing difficulties and clarify the desired conditions with them. You can get advice and support from the Officer for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses if required. 

4) Application, admission to a degree program, enrollment mehr...

For some subjects and degree programs, there is a local selection procedure at the University of Siegen because the number of available places is smaller than the number of prospective students. Persons with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses have the option to increase their chances of being admitted to a degree program by submitting a hardship application or an application for improvement of the average grade or the waiting period. To submit an application, you will need appropriate medical and educational certificates in addition to the informal application. Since obtaining the required documents usually requires some preparation time, it is advisable to obtain the necessary documents early on and seek advice from the Representative for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses. This way the prospects of obtaining a place in a subject or degree program with admission restrictions can be improved. There can be no guarantee of admission, however.

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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-D 4105

Tel.:   +49 (0)271/740-4233
Mobil.:  +49 (0)175/600-4044
E-Mail:  behindertenberatung@uni-siegen.de

Psychologische Beratung

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi

Raum: AR-SSC 0.19

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Schäfer (M.Sc.)

Raum: AR-SSC 0.18

Tel.:   +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail:   psychologische-beratung[at] zv.uni-siegen.de

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen

Sozialreferat des AStA

Raum: AR-H 106
Telefon: 0271/740-4601
E-Mail: sozref@asta.uni-siegen.de